Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Paddy's Day, Pet!

This year St. Paddy's Day was especially important to me -- I have a new and much-loved Irish brother, my boyfriend's name is Pat, and I'm visiting the homeland this summer.

Tea Time We baked scones (a UK/Irish thing, recipe here) and served it with Irish Breakfast Tea. Scones are notoriously difficult to cook but they turned out tasty, especially with lots of Kerrygold Irish Butter and Orange Marmalade (Pat's preference) or Nutella, which I tried for the first time in Ireland many years ago.

Biking to a garden Where better to visit than a green, green place. This rose garden is less than eight blocks from our house.

See Pat reading in the lower left.

Dinner with meat and potatoes

  • Pandora station: Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy - It's good craic.
  • The Secret of Kells: small budget animated film made in Ireland about the Book of Kells

"i have lived through many ages/ ran with salmon, deer, and wolf./ i have seen the northmen invading ireland/ destroy all in search of gold./ i have seen suffering in the darkness/ yet i have seen beauty thrive in the most fragile places."


  1. Is "Kells" part of your Oscar pre-viewing packet? Goodness knows when Netflix will have it (it's been snoozing in my saved queue for a while).

    You and spry Pat should Netflix the new Wallace and Gromit ("A Matter of Loaf and Death") so you can see the episode of "Shaun the Sheep" that's appended to it. My lil sheep and I were humming its theme song all weekend.

  2. You Must Know KittyMarch 16, 2010 at 11:03 PM

    And sorry about your pee pee stew. At least it doesn't look urinal, but I suppose its looking like piss would be preferable to its tasting like it.

  3. To You Must Know Kitty: "That's dir-tee! Didn't your mother ever tell you that's dir-tee!"

    To Mich: Will call you soon for the movie details.
