Sunday, February 14, 2010

"The Great Eskimo Hoax"

a common misunderstanding is that eskimos have at least 100 words for snow. well that part's true, but so do we. it's just that their words are compound words, which is equivalent to phrases in english~

single words (include conjugates): to snow, snow, snows, snowed, snowing, snowflake, snowflakes, slush, avalanche, avalanches, blizzard, blizzards, blizzarding, to flurry, flurry, flurries, flurried, flurrying, frost, to hail, hail, hails, hailing, hailed, powder, snowstorm, snowstorms

and now for a few english phrases that are only one word in yupik (eskimo-ese): fresh snow, snow bank, snow banks, deep snow, soft snow, fallen snow, snow drift, snow drifts (and now mix and match): freshly fallen snow, snow on the ground, freshly fallen snow on the ground, deep snow on the ground, fresh deep snow, fresh deep snow on the ground (and on)

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